
Student Ministry

Our Philosophy

          Our youth ministry is dedicated to making strong believers who love God and others, guided by the principles of the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. We strive to instill core values of loving God, loving others, serving, humility, and active participation.

          Community is at the heart of our ministry, built through genuine relationships with each student and among the students themselves. We facilitate spiritual learning and development through relational engagement and intentional Bible study on Sunday mornings, evenings, and Wednesdays. We facilitate faith development by providing Bible study materials that promote inquiry-based learning.

          Recognizing the diverse needs and challenges of our youth, we approach each situation with prayerful consideration and seek to serve and support all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances.

          Mentorship and discipleship are foundational aspects of our ministry, as we believe that every student should have a role model and mentor to look up to.

          Creating an inclusive environment where students embrace one another's differences is a priority for us. We believe that all students are children of God, and our team works together to relate to students from various stages of life. We understand that a listening ear and unconditional love can make a significant impact on a student's life.

          In addition to focusing on the youth, we actively seek to serve and mentor parents, recognizing the importance of strengthening the relationships between students and their parents during the teenage years. By building strong relationships with both students and parents, we strive to provide a support system for families throughout this season of life.

Student Ministry

FBC Victoria Student Ministry is for all students grades 6-12. Join us for Bible Studies relevant to today's students. Throughout the year we will have many ways for you to be involved. Some of our activities include mission projects, student camps, and Disciple Now Weekend. 

Our goal is for every student to be excited about having a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

For more information about our student ministry and activities please contact Justin Smith.


Phone: 361-573-4373


Follow these instructions to join the FBCV Youth Remind group! 

Remind is the main place that you can find announcements, updates, and reminders, appropriately enough, so join in to make sure you don't miss out!

Sunday Mornings

On Sunday mornings, our youth ministry gathers in small groups to study God's Word, fostering deep discussions and spiritual growth. Afterwards, we come together as a community to worship, where students connect with God and each other through uplifting music, prayer, and a sermon. It's a transformative experience that blends meaningful study with worship, creating a space where students feel valued, supported, and empowered to live out their faith in the world.

Sunday Evenings

On Sunday evenings at 5:00pm, our student ministry engages in an immersive study of the Bible.  These study sessions provide an opportunity for in-depth exploration and understanding of the biblical text, fostering meaningful discussions and insights.

Immerse - Wednesday 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm

Wednesday nights are the catalyst for student ministry.  It is a time to  connect with friends, peers, and God. We encourage students to invite their friends, engage in games and activities, interact with the message being shared, and pray for one another.

Other Upcoming Events!

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

Three in One Glorieta Camp 2023 Pictures

Camp 2023 Videos